Mei-Lin Man

As Community & Outreach Coordinator for SEADS, Mei-Lin is the contact person for talks, workshops and collaborations. She also mediates corporate partnerships to explore concepts of co-creation and alternative leadership in business settings. As a Community Coordinator Mei-Lin actively grows and supports the SEADS community. She makes sure people stay updated, connect with each other, and she facilitates collaboration. Mei-Lin graduated in 2019 with a BSc in Arts & Economics, Visual Art & Design Management, and has been working with several visual artists as storyteller and project coordinator. Her mission is to find innovative ways for artists to engage with new audiences and markets whilst understanding, protecting and translating the body of thought of an artist towards new opportunities.



Posthuman Ecologies in postcolonial times: Biomodd, Biodiversity tower, and Biosignals; Maranan, Diego S.; , 25 March 2024

The universe as home: Exploring the tension between climate change and the space race through somatic experiences, speculative design, and interactive performance; Maranan, Diego S.; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Verschuren, Jeroen; Vermeulen, Angelo; Convergence: Seminar on Technological and Somatic Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices, 21 April 2023

Raderdieren, klonen, DNA en het in kaart brengen van menselijke ideologie in de ruimte [Rotifers, cloning, DNA and mapping human ideology in space]; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.; Maranan, Diego S.; Podium voor Bio-ethiek [Podium for Bioethics], 2023

Sex in Space: Consideration of uncontrolled human conception in emerging space tourism (Green paper for public consultation); Cullen, David C., ; Hudnall, Matthew C., ; Ali, Sheela, ; Behram, Steve S., ; Edelbroek, Egbert, ; Layendecker, Alexander, ; Marques, Rafael Elias, ; Mushtaq, Sumbal, ; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J., ; , 2023

The Value of the Arts and Humanities to Science in the Philippines; Maranan, Diego S.; Casauay,, Revelyn Franchesca; Calora, Patricia; , 2 June 2022

Virtual futuristic analogue missions to drive methodological innovation for clinical research for space mission and earth; Nasser, Mona; Knight, Jacqui; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Maranan, Diego; Eachempati, Prashanti; Nagraj, Sumanth Kumbargere; Bernard-Cooper, Joshua; 32rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 2021-10-27

“As Above, So Below”: Promoting reciprocal learning and shared innovation on common-pool resource management between “living laboratories” for sustainable human settlements on Earth and in Space; Esteves, Ana Margarida; Vermeulen, Angelo; Nasser, Mona; Maranan, Diego S.; IASC 2021 Commons in Space Virtual Conference, 25 February 2021

Haplós: Transdisciplinary Research In Art + Humanities + Science + Technology For Well-Being and Play; , ; (RE)PRODUCING THE SELF: Body, Text, Memory and Technology, 25 September 2017