SEADS / research

Research & Design

An overview of the research and academical work being done within the scope of the collective.


Publications by members

Publications by members of the SEADS network.

Biomodd: the integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Birsel, Zeynep; Maranan, Diego S.; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.; GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2023 May 20

Co-creation towards the post-Anthropocene; Steyaert, Pieter; Vermeulen, Angelo; Holt, Amy; Maranan, Diego S.; Checola, Giusy; Nasser, Mona; Verschuren, Jeroen; Tournaye, Pim; 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, May 2023

The BUKAS Lab: Opening artscience exploration and futures literacy in the Global South; Maranan, Diego S.; Steyaert, Pieter; Vengua, Lucky; Casauay, Franchesca; Kuchner, Ulrike; Suplemento, Jerome; Holt, Amy; Peeters, Ann; Tournaye, Pim; Nasser, Mona; Gonzales, Yvette; Vermeulen, Angelo; 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, May 2023

The universe as home: Exploring the tension between climate change and the space race through somatic experiences, speculative design, and interactive performance; Maranan, Diego S.; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Verschuren, Jeroen; Vermeulen, Angelo; Convergence: Seminar on Technological and Somatic Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices, 21 April 2023

Applied Research into Graphical Representation of Dance in Virtual Reality; Guevara, Jorge; Convergence: Seminar on Technological and Somatic Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices, 21 April 2023

Artscience Thinking for the Global South; Maranan, Diego S.; The International Society for Education through Art, "Connecting ways of thinking: Intersections of Art and Science to consider inclusion" Webinar, 22 Feb 2023

The Bukas Lab: Exploring Creative Physical Spaces for a Virtual University; Maranan, Diego S.; 1st World Learning Labs Symposium, 27 January 2023

Wearable Futures Hackathon – Co-creating a Hybrid, Interdisciplinary Learning Experience [Presentation]; Vengua, Lucky Angelo P.; Suplemento, Jerome II; Maranan, Diego S.; 7th National Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning (NCODeL 2022), 2022-11-24

The spread of systematic review methodologies in new disciplines; Nasser, Mona; Maranan, Diego S.; Birsel, Zeynep; Kuchner, Ulrike; Steyaert, Pieter; 3rd Evidence-Based Research Conference, 6-7 October 2022

Meta-futurism: an immersive workshop with science fiction elements to facilitate a conversation on climate change and space exploration; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Maranan, Diego; Knight, Jacqui; Gonzalez, Yvette Marie; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; 33rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 20 Sept 2022

Ēngines of Ēternity: An Artistic Inquiry Into Space Settlement Ideology Using Rotifer Experiments on Board the ISS; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.; Steyaert, Pieter; Versbraegen, Nassim; Maranan, Diego; Wan, Arise; Verschuren, Jeroen; Sena, Frederico; Peeters, Ann; Faber, Nils; Mirzada, Fattana; Van Doninck, Karine; 33rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 20 Sept 2022

Biomodd: hybrid practices for sustainability across art and science; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaer, Pieter; Maranan, Diego S.; Vermeulen, Angelo; Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA 2022), 4 Sept 2022

Understanding art-science collaborations for innovative forms of transdisciplinary research; Kuchner, Ulrike; Are you Thinking What I’m Thinking? A symposium focusing on the process of collaboration between artists and scientists., 2022-06-24

The Value of the Arts and Humanities to Science in the Philippines; Maranan, Diego S.; Casauay,, Revelyn Franchesca; Calora, Patricia; , 2 June 2022

Futures Literacy Through Arts-Based Processes; Maranan, Diego S.; at Ecological Justice Research Group Inaugural Symposium, 2021-11-17

Virtual futuristic analogue missions to drive methodological innovation for clinical research for space mission and earth; Nasser, Mona; Knight, Jacqui; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Maranan, Diego; Eachempati, Prashanti; Nagraj, Sumanth Kumbargere; Bernard-Cooper, Joshua; 32rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 2021-10-27

Diversifying the concept of analogue missions to explore and evaluate new concepts for future space missions; Nasser, Mona; Esteves, Ana Margarida; Maranan, Diego; Peeters, Ann; Steyaert, Pieter; 32rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 2021-10-25

“As Above, So Below”: Promoting reciprocal learning and shared innovation on common-pool resource management between “living laboratories” for sustainable human settlements on Earth and in Space; Esteves, Ana Margarida; Vermeulen, Angelo; Nasser, Mona; Maranan, Diego S.; IASC 2021 Commons in Space Virtual Conference, 25 February 2021

Designing clinical trials for future space missions as a pathway to changing how clinical trials are conducted on Earth; Nasser, Mona; Peres, Nicholas; Knight, Jacqui; Haines, Agatha; Young, Charlie; Maranan, Diego; Wright, Julian; Carvil, Philip; Robinson, Karen; Westmore, Matthew; Griffin, Joanna; Halkes, Matthew; Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, May 25, 2020

Haplós: Vibrotactile Somaesthetic Technology for Body Awareness (Paper); Maranan, Diego S.; Grant, Jane; Matthias, John; Phillips, Mike; Denham, Susan L.; , February 9, 2020

Haplós: Vibrotactile Somaesthetic Technology for Body Awareness (Poster); Maranan, Diego S.; Grant, Jane; Matthias, John; Phillips, Mike; Denham, Susan L.; TEI 2020 - Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 9, 2020

Padiglioni invisibili: la rigenerazione dello spazio ipogeo come infrastruttura resiliente = the regeneration of the hypogean space as a resilient infrastructure; Checola, Giusy; Bianco, Angelo; , 2020

Biodiversity Tower: A community art project by SEADS, Compostmeesters Willebroek & Kris Mys; Vermeulen, Angelo; , ; , ; 2019 Institute for Public Art (IPA) Research Network Meeting, 21 October 2019

Excavating abandoned artificial life: a case study in digital media archeology; Steyaert, Pieter; Vermeulen, Angelo; Maranan, Diego S.; POM: Politics of the Machine, 14 June 2019

Regenerative synthetic ecosystems and evolving asteroid starships: a cybernetic reframing of the politics, poetics and ethics of space colonization; Vermeulen, Angelo; Steyaert, Pieter; Maranan, Diego S.; POM: Politics of the Machine, 14 June 2019

External publications

Publications about SEADS by scholars who are not affiliated with SEADS

Other publications

Non-SEADS related publications by its members

Biomodd: the integration of art into transdisciplinary research practices; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Birsel, Zeynep; Maranan, Diego S.; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.; GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 2023 May 20

Co-creation towards the post-Anthropocene; Steyaert, Pieter; Vermeulen, Angelo; Holt, Amy; Maranan, Diego S.; Checola, Giusy; Nasser, Mona; Verschuren, Jeroen; Tournaye, Pim; 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, May 2023

The BUKAS Lab: Opening artscience exploration and futures literacy in the Global South; Maranan, Diego S.; Steyaert, Pieter; Vengua, Lucky; Casauay, Franchesca; Kuchner, Ulrike; Suplemento, Jerome; Holt, Amy; Peeters, Ann; Tournaye, Pim; Nasser, Mona; Gonzales, Yvette; Vermeulen, Angelo; 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art, May 2023

The universe as home: Exploring the tension between climate change and the space race through somatic experiences, speculative design, and interactive performance; Maranan, Diego S.; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Verschuren, Jeroen; Vermeulen, Angelo; Convergence: Seminar on Technological and Somatic Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices, 21 April 2023

Applied Research into Graphical Representation of Dance in Virtual Reality; Guevara, Jorge; Convergence: Seminar on Technological and Somatic Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Artistic Practices, 21 April 2023

Artscience Thinking for the Global South; Maranan, Diego S.; The International Society for Education through Art, "Connecting ways of thinking: Intersections of Art and Science to consider inclusion" Webinar, 22 Feb 2023

The Bukas Lab: Exploring Creative Physical Spaces for a Virtual University; Maranan, Diego S.; 1st World Learning Labs Symposium, 27 January 2023

Sex in Space: Consideration of uncontrolled human conception in emerging space tourism (Green paper for public consultation); Cullen, David C., ; Hudnall, Matthew C., ; Ali, Sheela, ; Behram, Steve S., ; Edelbroek, Egbert, ; Layendecker, Alexander, ; Marques, Rafael Elias, ; Mushtaq, Sumbal, ; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J., ; , 2023

Wearable Futures Hackathon – Co-creating a Hybrid, Interdisciplinary Learning Experience [Presentation]; Vengua, Lucky Angelo P.; Suplemento, Jerome II; Maranan, Diego S.; 7th National Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning (NCODeL 2022), 2022-11-24

The spread of systematic review methodologies in new disciplines; Nasser, Mona; Maranan, Diego S.; Birsel, Zeynep; Kuchner, Ulrike; Steyaert, Pieter; 3rd Evidence-Based Research Conference, 6-7 October 2022

Meta-futurism: an immersive workshop with science fiction elements to facilitate a conversation on climate change and space exploration; Nasser, Mona; Steyaert, Pieter; Maranan, Diego; Knight, Jacqui; Gonzalez, Yvette Marie; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; 33rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 20 Sept 2022

Ēngines of Ēternity: An Artistic Inquiry Into Space Settlement Ideology Using Rotifer Experiments on Board the ISS; Vermeulen, Angelo C.J.; Steyaert, Pieter; Versbraegen, Nassim; Maranan, Diego; Wan, Arise; Verschuren, Jeroen; Sena, Frederico; Peeters, Ann; Faber, Nils; Mirzada, Fattana; Van Doninck, Karine; 33rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 73rd International Astronautical Congress, 20 Sept 2022

Biomodd: hybrid practices for sustainability across art and science; Kuchner, Ulrike; Nasser, Mona; Steyaer, Pieter; Maranan, Diego S.; Vermeulen, Angelo; Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA 2022), 4 Sept 2022

Understanding art-science collaborations for innovative forms of transdisciplinary research; Kuchner, Ulrike; Are you Thinking What I’m Thinking? A symposium focusing on the process of collaboration between artists and scientists., 2022-06-24

The Value of the Arts and Humanities to Science in the Philippines; Maranan, Diego S.; Casauay,, Revelyn Franchesca; Calora, Patricia; , 2 June 2022

Futures Literacy Through Arts-Based Processes; Maranan, Diego S.; at Ecological Justice Research Group Inaugural Symposium, 2021-11-17

Virtual futuristic analogue missions to drive methodological innovation for clinical research for space mission and earth; Nasser, Mona; Knight, Jacqui; Haines, Agatha; Peeters, Ann; Maranan, Diego; Eachempati, Prashanti; Nagraj, Sumanth Kumbargere; Bernard-Cooper, Joshua; 32rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 2021-10-27

Diversifying the concept of analogue missions to explore and evaluate new concepts for future space missions; Nasser, Mona; Esteves, Ana Margarida; Maranan, Diego; Peeters, Ann; Steyaert, Pieter; 32rd IAA Symposium on Space and Society at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, 2021-10-25

“As Above, So Below”: Promoting reciprocal learning and shared innovation on common-pool resource management between “living laboratories” for sustainable human settlements on Earth and in Space; Esteves, Ana Margarida; Vermeulen, Angelo; Nasser, Mona; Maranan, Diego S.; IASC 2021 Commons in Space Virtual Conference, 25 February 2021

Designing clinical trials for future space missions as a pathway to changing how clinical trials are conducted on Earth; Nasser, Mona; Peres, Nicholas; Knight, Jacqui; Haines, Agatha; Young, Charlie; Maranan, Diego; Wright, Julian; Carvil, Philip; Robinson, Karen; Westmore, Matthew; Griffin, Joanna; Halkes, Matthew; Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, May 25, 2020

Haplós: Vibrotactile Somaesthetic Technology for Body Awareness (Paper); Maranan, Diego S.; Grant, Jane; Matthias, John; Phillips, Mike; Denham, Susan L.; , February 9, 2020

Haplós: Vibrotactile Somaesthetic Technology for Body Awareness (Poster); Maranan, Diego S.; Grant, Jane; Matthias, John; Phillips, Mike; Denham, Susan L.; TEI 2020 - Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 9, 2020

Padiglioni invisibili: la rigenerazione dello spazio ipogeo come infrastruttura resiliente = the regeneration of the hypogean space as a resilient infrastructure; Checola, Giusy; Bianco, Angelo; , 2020

Biodiversity Tower: A community art project by SEADS, Compostmeesters Willebroek & Kris Mys; Vermeulen, Angelo; , ; , ; 2019 Institute for Public Art (IPA) Research Network Meeting, 21 October 2019

Excavating abandoned artificial life: a case study in digital media archeology; Steyaert, Pieter; Vermeulen, Angelo; Maranan, Diego S.; POM: Politics of the Machine, 14 June 2019