SEADS /  project / exomoon




EXOMOON Tickets and dates
Evening Game Sheet
Theater Neumarkt
CHAMELEON Exoplanet research group
Article: Tagesanzeiger (German)

EXOMOON is an immersive theater experience that explores humanity's future in space. The project, a co-production by Theatre Neumarkt and SEADS in collaboration with the CHAMELEON exoplanet research group, was performing until the 20th of september 2023.

The production invites the public to reflect on what our new home beyond Earth might look like, and what values, identity, and knowledge we choose to take with us. The piece reflects on contemporary human activities and cultural expressions, while exploring the tension of individual self-reflection during the transition from a terrestrial environment to a speculative space habitat on a moon orbiting an exoplanet.

Through this layered and multi-sensory journey, visitors will encounter a new kind of environment, make new encounters and create something unknown in one of many possible worlds, allowing us to see ourselves anew. With space exploration becoming increasingly embedded in human culture, EXOMOON offers a glimpse into a future of alien environments as we expand our colonized space beyond the atmosphere of planet Earth.

In addition to the immersive experiences and performances of Yan Balistoy, Sofia Elena Borsani, Challenge Gumbodete and Melina Pyschn we have a one daily guest performance:

06/09/2023 Ulrike Kuchner, Astrophysicist, Artist
The patterns of the Universe
How do galaxies like our own Milky Way form and change in our universe? is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of modern science. When we observe the universe on a very large scale, we see that everything is organized in a complex pattern of filaments called the cosmic web. Figuring out how the cosmic web changes over time and what happens to the billions of galaxies it contains is an exciting and profoundly difficult challenge. It also confronts big open questions both about luminous matter and about dark matter, which makes up most of the matter in the universe.

07/09/2023 Sven Kiefer, Exophysicist
Climate on Exoplanets
In dieser Presentation werden wir in die diversen Klimas von verschiedenen Exoplaneten eintauchen. Was fuer Temperaturen, Winde und Wolken erwarten uns? Wie koennen wir die Atmosphaeren dieser Planeten erkunden ohne dort zu sein? Die faszinierende Vielfalt von Exoplaneten hilft uns mehr ueber unser Universum zu erfahren.
08/09/2023 Angelo Vermeulen Space Biologist, Complex Systems Engineer, Artist
Alien Ecologies and Extraterrestrial Procreation
I will discuss the historical evolution and underlying motivations behind the development of artificial ecosystems in space. Additionally, I will explore the unique challenges and prospects associated with biological reproduction in extraterrestrial environments.
09/09/2023 Jo Verwohlt, Astrophysicist, Artist
The Dark Universe
Delve into the enigmatic world of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, the two powerful forces that dominate and determine the fate of our universe. Discover how my groundbreaking research sheds light on how Dark Matter shaped the early universe and how we can observe the invisible elements of our cosmos.
11/09/2023 Mary Pedicini, Artist
Mythology and Psychology of Moon: A Performance-Lecture by Moon's Resident Ethnographer
Over the three centuries that humans have inhabited Moon, a culture and mythology has grown up around the planet on which we live. As a practicing artist and Moon's resident ethnographer, I will deliver a performance-lecture about the mythology of Moon, touching on many of the various oft-told stories that circulate in our community, infusing its traditions and character. Following unvalidated but suggestive rumors of other life on Moon, both of terrestrial and extraterrestrial natures, I will explore (from within) the psychological character of the habitat that has become humanity's new home
12/09/2023 Nanna Bach-Møller, Exobiologist
Boundaries of life
In this talk I will address the age-old question "Are we alone?". Doing this, I will explore the definition of life based on how we understand it today, and how this understanding might change in the future
13/09/2023 Hennric Jokeit (20:30) Neuropsychologist, Artist
Risks of cryopreservation for memory
Cryopreservation carries a high risk of erasing autobiographical memory. Why this is so and what the consequences are will become clear in this lecture.
13/09/2023 Helena Lecoq Molinos (21:00), Exophysicist
Quantum insights into exoplanets
In 1874 Max Planck’s advisor was told to not study physics since there wasn’t much left to do. In 1900 he invented Quantum Mechanics. Today, quantum mechanics is all around us. It is the science behind our technology, it allow us to diagnose diseases in our population and it allow us to learn more about the atmospheres of the planets surroundings us. In this talk I will discuss the history and basics of quantum mechanics and explain their application to exoplanet science.
17/09/2023 Jindra Gensior, Astrophycisist
We are all made of stardust
We'll be exploring how our universe has evolved from the time of the Big Bang, which was mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, to the diverse array of elements we have today. We'll be looking into cosmic structure formation, nuclear fusion and their roles, but the main focus will be on star formation and stellar evolution!
18/09/2023 Katrien Kolenberg, Astronomer, Artist
Echoes from the Cosmos
Our Universe is full of sound. In the depths of space, stars are ringing like giant bells, planets of all flavors crackle and roar, and massive black holes send ripples through the fabric of spacetime. In this performance, we will listen to the Cosmos, with one question always ringing in the back of our heads: "Are we alone?"

19/09/2023 Marit Mol Lous, Astrophycistst
Habitability on dark exoplanets
Scientists looking for habitable exoplanets typically try to find another Earth. But theoretically, the prerequisites for life as we know it could occur on habitats that are very different from those on Earth. The ongoing discovery of 'exotic' exoplanets can let the imagination wander: what would it be like to live on a dark planet?







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The artistic leads for this projects were Pieter Steyaert, Ulrike Kuchner, Mary Pedicini and Pim Tournaye with support and workshops from Jorge Guevara and Diego Maranan and contributions from other members of the SEADS collective.

With special thanks to contributions from:
Jo Verwohlt Damm, Signe Heinfelt, Florent Renaud, Amaury Triaud, Giannandrea Inchingolo, Mona Nasser.

Co production with Theater Neumarkt; Julia Reichert, Hayat Erdoğan, Peter Meier, Yan Balistoy, Sofia Elena Borsani, Challenge Gumbodete, Melina Pyschny, Andreas Bögli, Olga Mrozek, Sophia Senn, Noé Wetter, Karl Gärtner, Ueli Kappeler, Sina Knecht, Martin Wigger, Rolf Laureijs, Robert Meyer, Fritz Rickenbacher, Silvan Ammon, Fabian Fässler, Michel Schaltenbrand, Cristiano Remo, Luca Brühwiler, Sybille Eigenmann, George Kleinberger, Noëlle Choquard, Marianne Gahler Gatzka, Duscha Scheerle, Maja Beer, Doris Zurbrügg, Irina Mafli, Hans Manz, Noelle Brühwiler, Susanne Ehrenbaum, Eva Geiser, Ruth Schölzel, Rahel Zweifel, Lena Egger, Sophie Gehrke, Alaya Lüthi, Susanne Ehrenbaum, Selina Tholl, Diane Bhutia, Denise Christen, Cristina Fischer, Corinne Gujer, Dana Hesse, Mandy Kleinert, Katharina Kroll, Elena Sigrist, Michel Rebosura, Michel Rebosura

In collaboration with the following researchers of the CHAMELEON group; Flavia Amadio, Beatriz Campos Estrada, Sven Kiefer, Linus Heinke, Helena Lecoq Molinos, Nanna Bach-Møller, Thorsten Balduin, Jayatee Kanwar, Till Käufer, Areli Castrejon, Francisco "Fran" Ardevol Martinez, Aaron Schneider, Marrick Braam, Oriel Marshall, Pieter Steyaert and Katrien Kolenberg, Anja C. Andersen, Jesper Bruun and Peter Van Petegem

CHAMELEON is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No 860470

Participating SEADS members

Pieter Steyaert

Pieter Steyaert is an artist and transdisciplinary researcher who explores collaborations within artistic and scientific communities. His work particularly focuses on the context of astrophysics and exoplanets. Pieter is one of the co-founders of SEADS and has worked on a wide range of Biomodd, Seeker and Ēngines of Ēternity projects in Europe, the USA and SE Asia. He leads the development of tools and platforms that support the global SEADS community.

Pieter is fascinated by the possibilities, ethics, and shortcomings of the techno-realm. He shares and explores insights as an educator and researcher. His interests include artificial life, data-driven experience design, and art-science interactions. Pieter conducts research at CHAMELEON, an exoplanet research group which is affiliated with both the University of Antwerp and the University of Copenhagen. His research aims to use artistic methodologies to advance scientific ideation and research.


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Ulrike Kuchner

Ulrike Kuchner is an astrophysicist, artist, curator and creative producer publishing both in astronomy and in the inter- and transdisciplinary context of ArtScience. She (simultaneously) studied Astrophysics at the University of Vienna, as well as Fine Arts/Paintings at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, where she was born and raised. Today, after Masters and Ph.D. degrees have taken her to Australia, Chile, the US and Germany, she is a postdoctoral researcher in astronomy at the University of Nottingham, UK, as well as a visual artist. In her research into Astronomy, she studies how mass is assembled in the Universe and how galaxies form and evolve over their lifetime. To do this, she bridge simulations (specifically, cosmological hydrodynamical simulations) with observations of world-class telescopes. As an artist and interdisciplinary researcher, she operate where art, culture, and science intersect, using both backgrounds to find or reject interdisciplinary answers to overarching questions. Her art often deals with the themes of humanity and imperfections in data, something we tend to strip away from science. Ulrike also joins the creative process of other art-scientists and science-artists as curator and mentor to integrate different approaches and knowledge systems, challenging the frontiers between the two cultures without imposing a hierarchy.

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Pim Tournaye

Pim is an improviser, musician, and technologist. He likes making things, people, processes and dynamics talk to each other. Currently studying Interactive Media Arts at NYU's ITP program, he researches and makes projects around communication and its multiplicity.

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Mary Pedicini

Mary Pedicini is an American artist/sculptor based in London. Her practice encompasses writing, object-making, curation, sound and video. Her work is grounded in research and storytelling, and the objects that she makes - a 3D-printed tap, a metal mirror, a wax salamander - often reframe old tales, or prompt new ones. Borrowing elements from mythology and science fiction, she tries to imagine non-human ways of thinking and being, to broaden the scope of what we can envision.

Pedicini received her BA in 2019 from Dartmouth College, where she studied Art and dabbled in Ecology, and her MA in 2022 from the Royal College of Art, where she studied Sculpture. Her work has been shown in group exhibitions in the US, the UK, and China.

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Jorge Guevara

Jorge is a Colombian choreographer, experience & interaction designer based in Brussels whose work lies in the intersection of interface technologies and sociology. His choreographies propose playgrounds where the body in time-space becomes a source of non-binary knowledge. He creates frameworks with a responsive/interactive/relational aspect where the subject of attention is the public, where the people come together. His focus is on decolonizing knowledge where the body is a source of healing.

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Diego Maranan

Diego is an artist, academic, and activist who works in the area of human-technology interaction. Through technology research and intermedia artistic practice, he investigates, critiques, and reimagines the relationship between humans and the world we inhabit. He holds a Marie Curie fellowship at Plymouth University; teaches at the University of the Philippines Open University; advises for WeDpro, a feminist nonprofit that empowers marginalized women and youth in the Philippines; and co-founded Curiosity, a Manila-based design strategy firm. As one of SEAD’s core members, Diego worked on an extensive range of Biomodd projects in the Philippines, New York and Europe.

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Sven Kiefer

Sven Kiefer is a PhD student passionate about revealing the enigma of exoplanets. His academic journey began with observing these far-off worlds, but he has since shifted his focus to hands-on work with computer models to comprehend cloud formation in planetary atmospheres. He harbors a deep curiosity about how these clouds shape the weather and chemical makeup of exoplanets. Outside the confines of the lab, he delights in creatively sharing the marvels of space. His significant contributions to 'Exomoon Theater,' a project aimed at making the science of astronomy both engaging and accessible, cannot be overlooked. For Sven, it's all about demystifying the cosmos, making it feel closer to home, and inspiring curiosity in all.

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Amy Holt

Dr Amy Holt is a bioscientist and artist who holds a Ph.D. in molecular immunology and has over a decade of experience in the field of immunology and microbiome research, where she worked on the development of live biotherapeutics for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancers. She is a graduate of the International Space University's Master of Space Studies program, and she has worked for the last year at a company as part of a team designing an astronaut training program for a governmental organisation. Her expertise in the fields of both biology and space sciences have allowed her to develop a keen interest in the effects the space environment has on biological processes and how these can either be mitigated or potentially leveraged, in the development of new disruptive technologies. She is also interested in the use of biomaterials, with an emphasis on sustainability and their implementation in closed-loop, zero-waste systems that are essential for supporting human life in space.

Dr Holt is cultivating a practice in the arts that uniquely builds on her science background. She is a member of the SEADS coordination team and also serves as the collective's community organizer. This role allows her to explore the advantages of transdisciplinary approaches within collaborative artistic ventures. Her creative interests lie in exploring the intricate interplay between the natural world, technology, and themes related to identity and transhumanism. She is passionate about further exploring the benefits that transdisciplinary approaches can yield when applied within collaborative ventures.

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Angelo Vermeulen

Angelo is a space systems researcher, biologist, and community artist. With his multidisciplinary background, he collaborates closely with practicing scientists, while also creating multimedia art installations, and building communities through design and co-creation. In 2013 he was crew commander of the NASA-funded HI-SEAS Mars simulation in Hawaii. Currently he is doing research on interstellar travel at Delft University of Technology. He has lived in many corners of the world, is a TED Senior Fellow, and loves computer games.

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daniel vandersmissen

Daniël (in virtual environments Dan Yapungku) is an artist creating installations and performances that relate to various social themes (climate change, migration, dialogue, social behaviour) and events. He was a teacher in and a pedagogical advisor for the part-time art education in Belgium (Flanders)

Daniël created classic artwork (since 1972) as well as artwork in mixed media, installation-art (since 1979), objects and environments in virtual spaces (since 2006).

In 1994, together with volonteers, local people and cultural organization and a lot of friends and artists he organized a conceptual art event (ArtWall-k - KW) during 7 years in the unknown village Schriek (Flanders, region of Antwerp).

The used media, formats and materials in 2D and 3D artwork performance and installations are various find, residual and disposable materials - everyday utensils and products from consumer society - and are brought into public space/contemporary reality or a virtual environment, on request or unsolicited.

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Frederico David Alencar de Sena Pereira

Fred is by nature curious about how and why organic or mechanical things work. He holds a BSc in Computer Engineering and Master in Mechanical Engineering along with extensive self-thought knowledge in 3D-modeling and 3D-printing. Born in Brazil, he is working on 3D bioprinters to produce human organs . He contributed to the making of a Space 3D Bioprinter named Organaut, which was launched to the ISS in december 2018 to conduct several experiments with cells and crystals. Fred's mind lives in the non-defined borders of science, art and engineering and a good dose of philosophy,capoeira and freeride longboarding make him a happy person.

visit Frederico 's page

Giusy Checola

Giusy is a PhD candidate in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of Arts, University Paris 8, in cotutelle with the Doctorate in Humanistic Intercultural Studies, University of Bergamo, where she is studying art-led place-making as an integrated research field and applied theory. She analyses the relationships between art, geoaesthetics as geopolitics, collective memory and thinking, pushing on the conceptual and methodological boundaries across the disciplines to understand the transformative potential of the art project and the deepeness of its social, cultural and political impact.

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Katrien Kolenberg

Katrien Kolenberg's work lies in the interstices of artistic expression and scientific exploration. After obtaining her PhD in astrophysics at the KU Leuven, she did research at the University of Vienna and at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. She currently is Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Antwerp and the Free University of Brussels (VUB), as well as STE(A)M coordinator at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), and an artist. Her research lies in the field of stellar astrophysics, particularly variable stars and asteroseismology. Linked to her research, she also investigates the potential of sonification for scientific data analysis, as well as the benefits of including arts in science education.

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Olga Mrozek

I am a multidisciplinary designer, a illustrator and a tattoo artist who finds interest in issues, development, structure, and functioning of human society.
I enjoy creating concepts that challenge and provoke the viewer as I believe that the change begins with the thought.

I'm a graduate of Product Design from the Glasgow School of Art.
Currently working as a designer at On*Arte as well as freelance Foresight Analyst, Illustrator and tattoo artist.

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Rob Figueroa Jr.

Bobby is a technologist, teacher, and researcher who works in the area of Educational Technology and Information Systems. He is currently working on research projects involving virtual reality in learning contexts. He is a PhD Candidate at the International Christian University in Japan and Assistant Professor at the University of the Philippines Open University. He also does consulting work as a Learning Management Systems project leader. As one of the newer members, Bobby joined a SEADS project in the Philippines and hosted a small collaborative project sponsored by JICUF in Japan.

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