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Article: Tagesanzeiger (German) |
EXOMOON is an immersive theater experience that explores humanity's future in space. The project, a co-production by Theatre Neumarkt and SEADS in collaboration with the CHAMELEON exoplanet research group, was performing until the 20th of september 2023.
The production invites the public to reflect on what our new home beyond Earth might look like, and what values, identity, and knowledge we choose to take with us. The piece reflects on contemporary human activities and cultural expressions, while exploring the tension of individual self-reflection during the transition from a terrestrial environment to a speculative space habitat on a moon orbiting an exoplanet.
Through this layered and multi-sensory journey, visitors will encounter a new kind of environment, make new encounters and create something unknown in one of many possible worlds, allowing us to see ourselves anew. With space exploration becoming increasingly embedded in human culture, EXOMOON offers a glimpse into a future of alien environments as we expand our colonized space beyond the atmosphere of planet Earth.
In addition to the immersive experiences and performances of Yan Balistoy, Sofia Elena Borsani, Challenge Gumbodete and Melina Pyschn we have a one daily guest performance:
06/09/2023 Ulrike Kuchner, Astrophysicist, Artist
The patterns of the Universe
How do galaxies like our own Milky Way form and change in our universe? is one of the biggest unsolved mysteries of modern science. When we observe the universe on a very large scale, we see that everything is organized in a complex pattern of filaments called the cosmic web. Figuring out how the cosmic web changes over time and what happens to the billions of galaxies it contains is an exciting and profoundly difficult challenge. It also confronts big open questions both about luminous matter and about dark matter, which makes up most of the matter in the universe.
07/09/2023 Sven Kiefer, Exophysicist
Climate on Exoplanets
In dieser Presentation werden wir in die diversen Klimas von verschiedenen Exoplaneten eintauchen. Was fuer Temperaturen, Winde und Wolken erwarten uns? Wie koennen wir die Atmosphaeren dieser Planeten erkunden ohne dort zu sein? Die faszinierende Vielfalt von Exoplaneten hilft uns mehr ueber unser Universum zu erfahren.
08/09/2023 Angelo Vermeulen Space Biologist, Complex Systems Engineer, Artist
Alien Ecologies and Extraterrestrial Procreation
I will discuss the historical evolution and underlying motivations behind the development of artificial ecosystems in space. Additionally, I will explore the unique challenges and prospects associated with biological reproduction in extraterrestrial environments.
09/09/2023 Jo Verwohlt, Astrophysicist, Artist
The Dark Universe
Delve into the enigmatic world of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, the two powerful forces that dominate and determine the fate of our universe. Discover how my groundbreaking research sheds light on how Dark Matter shaped the early universe and how we can observe the invisible elements of our cosmos.
11/09/2023 Mary Pedicini, Artist
Mythology and Psychology of Moon: A Performance-Lecture by Moon's Resident Ethnographer
Over the three centuries that humans have inhabited Moon, a culture and mythology has grown up around the planet on which we live. As a practicing artist and Moon's resident ethnographer, I will deliver a performance-lecture about the mythology of Moon, touching on many of the various oft-told stories that circulate in our community, infusing its traditions and character. Following unvalidated but suggestive rumors of other life on Moon, both of terrestrial and extraterrestrial natures, I will explore (from within) the psychological character of the habitat that has become humanity's new home
12/09/2023 Nanna Bach-Møller, Exobiologist
Boundaries of life
In this talk I will address the age-old question "Are we alone?". Doing this, I will explore the definition of life based on how we understand it today, and how this understanding might change in the future
13/09/2023 Hennric Jokeit (20:30) Neuropsychologist, Artist
Risks of cryopreservation for memory
Cryopreservation carries a high risk of erasing autobiographical memory. Why this is so and what the consequences are will become clear in this lecture.
13/09/2023 Helena Lecoq Molinos (21:00), Exophysicist
Quantum insights into exoplanets
In 1874 Max Planck’s advisor was told to not study physics since there wasn’t much left to do. In 1900 he invented Quantum Mechanics. Today, quantum mechanics is all around us. It is the science behind our technology, it allow us to diagnose diseases in our population and it allow us to learn more about the atmospheres of the planets surroundings us. In this talk I will discuss the history and basics of quantum mechanics and explain their application to exoplanet science.
17/09/2023 Jindra Gensior, Astrophycisist
We are all made of stardust
We'll be exploring how our universe has evolved from the time of the Big Bang, which was mostly made up of hydrogen and helium, to the diverse array of elements we have today. We'll be looking into cosmic structure formation, nuclear fusion and their roles, but the main focus will be on star formation and stellar evolution!
18/09/2023 Katrien Kolenberg, Astronomer, Artist
Echoes from the Cosmos
Our Universe is full of sound. In the depths of space, stars are ringing like giant bells, planets of all flavors crackle and roar, and massive black holes send ripples through the fabric of spacetime. In this performance, we will listen to the Cosmos, with one question always ringing in the back of our heads: "Are we alone?"
19/09/2023 Marit Mol Lous, Astrophycistst
Habitability on dark exoplanets
Scientists looking for habitable exoplanets typically try to find another Earth. But theoretically, the prerequisites for life as we know it could occur on habitats that are very different from those on Earth. The ongoing discovery of 'exotic' exoplanets can let the imagination wander: what would it be like to live on a dark planet?
The artistic leads for this projects were Pieter Steyaert, Ulrike Kuchner, Mary Pedicini and Pim Tournaye with support and workshops from Jorge Guevara and Diego Maranan and contributions from other members of the SEADS collective.
With special thanks to contributions from:
Jo Verwohlt Damm, Signe Heinfelt, Florent Renaud, Amaury Triaud, Giannandrea Inchingolo, Mona Nasser.
Co production with Theater Neumarkt; Julia Reichert, Hayat Erdoğan, Peter Meier, Yan Balistoy, Sofia Elena Borsani, Challenge Gumbodete, Melina Pyschny, Andreas Bögli, Olga Mrozek, Sophia Senn, Noé Wetter, Karl Gärtner, Ueli Kappeler, Sina Knecht, Martin Wigger, Rolf Laureijs, Robert Meyer, Fritz Rickenbacher, Silvan Ammon, Fabian Fässler, Michel Schaltenbrand, Cristiano Remo, Luca Brühwiler, Sybille Eigenmann, George Kleinberger, Noëlle Choquard, Marianne Gahler Gatzka, Duscha Scheerle, Maja Beer, Doris Zurbrügg, Irina Mafli, Hans Manz, Noelle Brühwiler, Susanne Ehrenbaum, Eva Geiser, Ruth Schölzel, Rahel Zweifel, Lena Egger, Sophie Gehrke, Alaya Lüthi, Susanne Ehrenbaum, Selina Tholl, Diane Bhutia, Denise Christen, Cristina Fischer, Corinne Gujer, Dana Hesse, Mandy Kleinert, Katharina Kroll, Elena Sigrist, Michel Rebosura, Michel Rebosura
In collaboration with the following researchers of the CHAMELEON group; Flavia Amadio, Beatriz Campos Estrada, Sven Kiefer, Linus Heinke, Helena Lecoq Molinos, Nanna Bach-Møller, Thorsten Balduin, Jayatee Kanwar, Till Käufer, Areli Castrejon, Francisco "Fran" Ardevol Martinez, Aaron Schneider, Marrick Braam, Oriel Marshall, Pieter Steyaert and Katrien Kolenberg, Anja C. Andersen, Jesper Bruun and Peter Van Petegem
CHAMELEON is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant No 860470